Organizing Committee

General Chair

Professor, Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad

Program Chair

Professor & HoD-ECE, Vasavi College of Engineering

Program Chair

Associate Professor Department of ECE, Vasavi College of Engineering

Organizing Chair

Nishu Gupta

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Oulu, Finland

Organizing Co-Chair

Prakash Pareek

Vishnu Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh

Technical Program Committee Co-Chair

Dr. E. Sreenivasa Rao

Department of ECE, Vasavi College of Engineering

Technical Program Committee Co-Chair

Dr. D.M.K. Chaitanya

Department of ECE, Vasavi College of Engineering

Workshops Chair

Dr. K. Deepti

Department of ECE, Vasavi College of Engineering

Sponsorship & Exhibits Chair

Mr. V. Krishna Mohan

Department of ECE, Vasavi College of Engineering

Publications Chair

Sreenivasa Rao

Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad, India

Publications Chair

D M K Chaitanya

Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad, India

Publications Chair

Nishu Gupta

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd., Oulu, Finland

Web Chair

Mr. B. Uma Mahesh Babu

Department of ECE, Vasavi College of Engineering

Publicity and Social Media Chair

Dr. K. Veera Swamy

Department of ECE, Vasavi College of Engineering

Panels Chair

Dr. Arun Kumar

Department of ECE, Vasavi College of Engineering

Tutorials Chair

Dr. N. Abid Ali Khan

Department of ECE, Vasavi College of Engineering

Demos Chair

Dr. Srilakshmi Aouthu

Department of ECE, Vasavi College of Engineering

Posters and PhD Track Chair

Dr. M. Praveen Kumar

Department of ECE, Vasavi College of Engineering

Local Chair

Dr. Ramya R

Assistant Professor, ECE Dept, Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad, India

Tutorials Chair

Dr. N. Abid Ali Khan

Department of ECE, Vasavi College of Engineering

Posters and PhD Track Chair

Dr. M. Praveen Kumar

Department of ECE, Vasavi College of Engineering

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